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Introducing Solids to Baby FAQs



This blog is written in partnership with “Woolworths Smiling Tums” baby food.

Recently we have started Remi on solids and I have had so many questions asking all about it.

I’m not a nutritionist or medical professional so please contact yours for specific info.

What I do know is just how crazy busy life is and how having a convenient option that you know is healthy for your baby can make things that little bit simpler especially when running out the door in a rush , when you’ve had a busy day or when you know you will be out all day. This is where “Woolworths Smiling Tums” range is suits us.


Smiling Tums is the newest range of Woolworths own baby food and is suitable for babies 6 months plus.

This range of baby food has been developed by qualified nutritionists, so you know it’s been designed especially for babies

What I also love is that it contains NO ADDED SUGARS including their custards which are only sweetened with the fruits – no fruit concentrates. This is amazing as we all know how much sugar is usually added to those custards.

At only $1 a pack they are super affordable for most budgets too.

I always throw sachets in my nappy bag as I find it’s the easiest way to feed bub when out and about as they don’t need refrigerating or heating.

In this article I want to share with you some FAQS I have received many times about our solids journey.

How do you know when baby is ready to start? 

It is recommended to start solids around or by 6 months but not before 4 months.

You should speak to your health care professional as there are some interesting studies available into reducing allergies by introducing solids and allergy groups as early as possible.


Babies are all so different, but your baby will show signs of wanting to eat which for us included:

–       Having a strong back and good neck control for swallowing (can sit up while being supported)

–       Baby opens mouth when you put a spoon towards them

–       Takes an interest in your food and eating

–       Can grunt and seem to get frustrated when you’re eating as if they want some

–       Reaches out to try to grab your food


When do you feed baby solids?

I was advised to breastfeed/bottle feed baby and then wait about ½ an hour – hour which has been working well.

If baby is too hungry, they get frustrated as they just want to feel full and learning to eat is hard and messy but if you feed them their milk and then try I just find they aren’t interested.

What do you feed baby?

There’s lots of different ideas of what you should introduce to baby and when so you should do your own research, but this is how we started. 

For the first first couple of days we started with organic rice cereal which is high in iron mixed with breast milk, sweet potato puree, apple or pear purees. Then I removed the rice cereal and just gave the veg with a little BM and then just the plain veg. From there we started mixing veggies and fruits together.

We also add a little probiotic powder to her breakfast and a little bone broth to her dinners.

Once Remi is used to the idea, we start introducing meat, oats and allergy groups (as advised by our doctor).

First foods included:

organic rice cereal

sweet potato




Do you make your own food?

Yes. I try to where I can.

I puree a lot of my own fruits, veggies and soon I will do the same with meat for Remi by steaming and then pureeing but for when we are heading out or when I’ve had a busy day and have run out of my own, I always have sachets in the cupboard ready to go. For some great combos check out SMILING TUMS HERE.

How much do you feed her?

I usually just take her lead, but they only start with a tiny but like a teaspoon or two (most of which ends up on them) and then they work up from there. She now eats a small baby bowl full each meal.

I know Remi has had enough when she starts to turn her head away or clenches her mouth shut.


Will you do baby led weaning?

Baby-led weaning is a way of introducing solids by skipping purees and letting baby feed themselves finger foods instead. There are pros and cons but I suggest you do your own research to make a decision best for your family.

I personally prefer to start with purees and introduce some finger food as we go so for example now Remi has had purees for a while she has a puree of veg that I spoon feed her with her guidance and cues of hungry and full and then I also give her some mash sweet potato or roasted pieces to play with and chew herself while she eats. I did the same with Millie and it works for us.

I hope this article has helped answer some questions. I’ll keep you guys updated on our journey via my page.

If you want to know more about SMILING TUMS CLICK HERE.

Although this was written in partnership with “Woolworths Smiling Tums” I would never promote anything we don’t love or trust ourselves.

Any other tips or questions please leave them below


Apr 23, 2019


  1. Alishia says:

    I started my 5 month old on solids a couple weeks ago as advised by my health nurse. Just wondering,How many meals a day do you feed your little one?

    • Brittany Noonan says:

      We now feed her 3x meals but she is over 7 months. At first we started with 1-2 per day.

  2. Emma says:

    What probiotic powder and bone broth do you use?

    • Brittany Noonan says:

      I use the Nutraorganics Bone broth in the chicken and PONO baby probiotics.


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